CTserver web service documentation { WSDL file: "phases.wsdl"}

Target namespace: urn:phases

Overview: This web service provides procedures to access the phase properties modules available at the CTserver. Thermodynamic properties of pure phases and solutions (both liquid and solid) are available. There are a number of convenience procedures that return characteristics of each phase, and convert compositions from generic to thermodynamic components. These procedures are documented below. Further documentation on the phases/solutions available and reference information for the supporting thermodynamic models may be found at this link.

Port types
componentNumberResponse, genericToThermoXRequest, genericComponentNumberRequest, phaseNumberResponse, phaseNameResponse, componentNamesResponse, componentFormulasRequest, genericComponentFormulasResponse, calculateTPRequest, componentFormulasResponse, calculateTPResponse, genericComponentFormulasRequest, genericComponentNumberResponse, genericToThermoXResponse, phaseNumberRequest, componentNumberRequest, componentNamesRequest, phaseNameRequest,

Name Documentation
see Overview

Service : PhasesService
Port Name Binding Address Extensibility Documentation
phases phasesSoapBinding <wsdlsoap:address location="http://www.ofm-research.org:8080/axis/services/phases"/>
URL for web service

Binding : phasesSoapBinding
Port Type Phases
Extensibility <wsdlsoap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
Operations calculateTP, phaseName, phaseNumber, componentNumber, componentFormulas, genericComponentNumber, genericComponentFormulas, genericToThermoX, componentNames,

Port Type : Phases
Operation Name Input message Output message Documentation
calculateTP calculateTPRequest calculateTPResponse
Calculate thermodynamic properties of the phase or solution at the specified temperature and pressure.
phaseName phaseNameRequest phaseNameResponse
Return the name of the phase or solution.
phaseNumber phaseNumberRequest phaseNumberResponse
Return the total number of phases and solutions.
componentNumber componentNumberRequest componentNumberResponse
Return the number of thermodynamic components in this phase or solution.
componentFormulas componentFormulasRequest componentFormulasResponse
Return the formulas of the thermodynamic components in this phase or solution.
genericComponentNumber genericComponentNumberRequest genericComponentNumberResponse
Return the number of generic components that are used to specify the composition of this phase or solution
genericComponentFormulas genericComponentFormulasRequest genericComponentFormulasResponse
Return the forumlas of the generic components that are used to specify the composition of this phase or solution.
genericToThermoX genericToThermoXRequest genericToThermoXResponse
Procedure to convert wt% of generic components to mole fractions of thermodynamic components.
componentNames componentNamesRequest componentNamesResponse
Returns names of endmember thermodynamic components in this phase or solution.



Documentation : (see componentNumberRequest)

Returns the number of endmember thermodynamic components in the specified phase or solution. The number "1" is returned for a pure phase. The procedure throws an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
componentNumberReturn N/A xsd:int
Number of thermodynamic components.


Documentation : (see genericToThermoXResponse)

Converts an array of wt% concentrations of generic components into mole fractions of thermodynamic components. Generic components are generally oxides or elements (see genericComponentFormulas). The procedure will through an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range, the input array is of improper length, or if the specified concentrations of generic components cannot be converted with acceptably minimal residuals to thermodynamic component mole fractions.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
in0 N/A xsd:int
Index number of phase or solution.
in1 N/A impl:ArrayOf_xsd_double
An array of length equal to the number of generic components that contains wt% concentrations of each component. Entries may contain values of zero .


Documentation : (see genericComponentNumberResponse)

Returns the number of generic components in the specified phase or solution. The procedure throws an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
in0 N/A xsd:int
Index number of phase or solution


Documentation : (see phaseNumberRequest)

Returns the total number of phases and solutions.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
phaseNumberReturn N/A xsd:int
Number of phases and solutions


Documentation : (see phaseNameRequest)

Returns the name of the specified phase or solution. The procedure throws an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
phaseNameReturn N/A soapenc:string
Name of phase or solution.


Documentation : (see componentNamesRequest)

Returns names of endmember thermodynamic components for this phase or solution. The procedure throws an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
componentNamesReturn N/A impl:ArrayOf_soapenc_string
Array of strings of length equal to the number of thermodyamic components that contains component names.


Documentation : (see componentFormulasResponse)

Returns formulas of endmember thermodynamic components for this phase or solution. The procedure throws an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
in0 N/A xsd:int
Index number of phase or solution.


Documentation : (see genericComponentFormulasRequest)

Returns formulas of generic components for this phase or solution. The procedure throws an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
genericComponentFormulasReturn N/A impl:ArrayOf_soapenc_string
Array of strings of length equal to the number of generic components that contains component formulas.


Documentation : (see calculateTPResponse)

Procedure to calculate thermodynamic properties of the specified phase or solution at a chosen temperature, pressure and composition. The procedure throws an exception if the index number is out of range, if either temperature or pressure are out of the acceptable range for the underlying database or model, or if the input array is the wrong dimension.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
in0 N/A xsd:int
Index number of phase or solution.
in1 N/A xsd:double
Temperature in Kelvins.
in2 N/A xsd:double
Pressure in bars.
in3 N/A impl:ArrayOf_xsd_double
Array of length equal to the number of thermodynamic components containing the composition of the phase in terms of mole numbers (or mole fractions) of those components. A pure phase is specified with an array of length unity whose only element contains the value "1.0"


Documentation : (see componentFormulasRequest)

Returns formulas of endmember thermodynamic components for this phase or solution. The procedure throws an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
componentFormulasReturn N/A impl:ArrayOf_soapenc_string
Array of strings of length equal to the number of thermodyamic components that contains component formulas.


Documentation : (see calculateTPRequest)

Procedure to calculate thermodynamic properties of the specified phase or solution at a chosen temperature, pressure and composition. The procedure throws an exception if the index number is out of range, if either temperature or pressure are out of the acceptable range for the underlying database or model, or if the input array is the wrong dimension.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
calculateTPReturn N/A impl:ArrayOf_xsd_double
Array of length 11 + 2 x (number of thermodynamic components) containing: [0] ΔGf (J), [1] ΔHf (J), [2] S (J/K), [3] V (cm3), [4] CP (J/K), [5] dCP/dT (J/K2), [6] dV/dT (cm3/K), [7] dV/dP (cm3/bar), [8] d2V/dT2 (cm3/K2), [9] d2V/dTdP (cm3/K-bar), [10] d2V/dP2 (cm3/bar2), [11] μ[0] (J/mol), [12] μ0[0] (J/mol), [13] μ[1] (J/mol), [14] μ0[1] (J/mol), ... . Most of the thermodynamic properties are reported as extensive quantities that are scaled to the actual number of moles of the phase or solution specified. Only if the composition is input in mole fractions will the resuting values of ΔGf, ΔHf etc., be on a per mole basis. Note that ΔGf and ΔHf are apparent Gibbs free energies and enthalpies of formation from the elements where the phase or solution is at specified temperature and pressure, but the elements are at 298.15 K and 1 bar. μ[0] is the chemical potential of the first thermodynamic component, μ[1] the second, etc. These quantities are always reported on a molar basis. μ0[0] etc. are the equivalent chemical potentials in the standard state, which is taken to be unity activity of the pure substance at any temperature and pressure. The activity of a component may be calculated from the formula: exp[(μ[i]-μ0[i])/(RT)], where T is the temperature in Kevins and R is the universal gas constant in J/K-mol.


Documentation : (see genericComponentFormulasResponse)

Returns formulas of generic components for this phase or solution. The procedure throws an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
in0 N/A xsd:int
Index number of phase or solution.


Documentation : (see genericComponentNumberRequest)

Returns the number of generic components in the specified phase or solution. The procedure throws an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
genericComponentNumberReturn N/A xsd:int
Number of generic components for the specified phase or solution.


Documentation : (see genericToThermoXRequest)

Converts an array of wt% concentrations of generic components into mole fractions of thermodynamic components. Generic components are generally oxides or elements (see genericComponentFormulas). The procedure will through an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range, the input array is of improper length, or if the specified concentrations of generic components cannot be converted with acceptably minimal residuals to thermodynamic component mole fractions.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
genericToThermoXReturn N/A impl:ArrayOf_xsd_double
Array of length equal to the number of thermodynamic components containing component mole fractions.


Documentation : (see phaseNumberResponse)

Returns the total number of phases and solutions. No input specified.

Part Name Element Type Documentation


Documentation : (see componentNumberResponse)

Returns the number of endmember thermodynamic components in the specified phase or solution. The number "1" is returned for a pure phase. The procedure throws an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
in0 N/A xsd:int
Index number of phase or solution.


Documentation : (see componentNamesResponse)

Returns names of endmember thermodynamic components for this phase or solution. The procedure throws an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
in0 N/A xsd:int
Index number of phase or solution.


Documentation : (see phaseNameResponse)

Returns the name of the specified phase or solution. The procedure throws an exception if the index number of the phase is out of range.

Part Name Element Type Documentation
in0 N/A xsd:int
Index number of phase or solution.